Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Princess Laynie turns 2!!

It's official we now have a 2 year old in the house again!! Laynie turned 2 on January 10th. And I can't believe how fast she has grown up!! She is a very spoiled little girl who has a sweet but onery personality!! She has completed our family and we are so blessed and thank God everyday that she's in our lives! She had a big 2 weeks around her birthday. A week before her birthday she decided on her own that she was a big girl and she was not wearing anymore diapers. It took a couple of days with very few accidents to get everything figured out but she did great!! We have now been diaper/pull up free for about 2 weeks and mommy and daddy are loving this after buying diapers for over 6yrs!! Then last week she decided that she didn't need her paci anymore so she hasn't had it either! I have mixed feelings about this, means my baby is growning up to fast! When she was an infant we couldn't wait for her to walk and talk and now that she is I want her small again!! She is turning into a very sweet, smart and fun little girl and we are very excited to see what her future brings!

It's been a long time!!!

Well it has been sooo long since I last posted! Over 6 months!! We have been very busy as you can see. Kaden had his first Kindergarten field trip. We went to the pumpkin patch

and had a great time! Also Kaden went youth hunting and got a doe. He was very excited. We also went to Silver Dollar City like we do every year with my family and it rained but we had a good time and the kids had fun! Once again the kids had a great Christmas. Santa did very well this year! I think we all had a great 2009 but we are very excited to see what 2010 brings for the Degraffenreid family!